journal ritual Dec 27, 2019

Are you someone who dashes from one thing to the next always leaving a lose end or word unsaid, or do you take care with your closings?

‘The Art of The Ending’ is something i’ve only begun to discover in my thirties. An eternal ‘lose-ender’, I’ve come to realise that there is a great beauty in how we say goodbye, be it to a house, a lover or even a decade. Just like death, it draws on the realm of mastery.

In order to close something properly, you need to pause, to take stock, to draw on the richness and juices of what was learnt, and close the energy of all that you are leaving behind.  If not, chances are your energy (and your mind) gets stuck. 

And, guess what, when you don’t get the lessons hidden within the experience...? 

You get to repeat the class ;)

Think of it like a cosmic summer-school.

In yogi terms, this is known as the cycles of Karma and Samsara. When it comes to this, truly...only you have the answers. So it pays to start asking the right questions....

Always the first step to 'The Art of The Ending' is to honour 'all that was'.

I’m sharing with you a very simple exercise inspired by the Greek Goddess Hecate, otherwise known as the 'Queen of the Witches'.  One of my favourite Goddess archetypes, she is always present to guide you at the cross-roads of transformations and transitions. You will find her where past, present and future converge.


Take a piece of pen and paper, make yourself a cup of what you love and turn off your phone for atleast the next 15 minutes. You can choose to dedicate these prompts to a specific area of your life, such as Love or Money, to the past year or the past decade. 

Have fun exploring how differently your story shifts when you change topic and time frame.  The beauty of this is that often the mistakes and lessons we learn in one area of our life can then be put to use in another.


  1. What has your experience over the past year taught you?
  2. What successes and blessings have come your way?
  3. What are the mistakes and difficulties that most challenged you ?
  4. How have they led to your evolution?
  5. Can you see the lesson or teaching in each of them? What is it?
  6. If you were to rewrite any event or experience and the part you played, how would it go?
  7. This year, write a list of the big and small things (things no-one even knows) that make you most proud.
  8. What lose ends/ unspoken words still need to be put to bed?
  9. Where does your energy and emotions still feel stuck or trapped?
  10. Can you notice specific patterns or cycles repeating themselves in your relationships, work, self-talk or beliefs?


If you stay the same…

  1. Where are you heading to?
  2. What are you most afraid of ?
  3. What patterns and habits are stealing your possibilities?


  1. What truth are you not facing?
  2. Where do your strengths and talents truly lie?
  3. What aspects of you is it time to shape up?
  4. What limitations are you ready to overcome?
  5. What limiting beliefs are you ready to leave behind?


When you dare to dream….

  1. What is your vision and mission for this next year/ decade?
  2. What are your 3 defining objectives for the next year/decade?
  3. What would the impact of living your dream (for me, my family, friends, future generations…)
  4. What is the first step?
  5. What do you need in order to take it?

Use this journalling exercise anytime you are in the process of transition, be it from a job, a relationship or the year.  Each time, just switch the focus and uncover the wisdom you may have missed along the way.

Now you've aced your cosmic homework, you are probably ready for...

How to Cut Energy Cords (coming soon)


A Manifestation Technique For Just About Anything (coming soon)



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