Uncategorized Sep 27, 2021


The 7 Different Types of Soulmates (and why this matters with manifestation) 

Ever found yourself at a party, a bar, a friend’s house where you meet someone for the first time, your eyes lock and you smile because of the deep sense of connection, familiarity, of home. First dates quickly escalate and after a few weeks (or even minutes), it can feel like you’ve known each other for a lifetime. Because you have. 

This is a sign that you’ve met ONE of your many soulmates. 

At which point, you might turn to me and say..."What do you mean Lola? One? You mean I have more than One soulmate? I have been waiting all this time for my Twin Flame, my One True Love…."

To which, I would reply..."Hold up right there… Twin Flame? Your Twin flame doesn’t tend to spell happily ever after, in fact, it’s usually a recipe for disaster, especially if you are expecting that person to provide security and stability, rather than a deep connection and a mirror for you to really see yourself in ways you may not want to….

You see…

What if it told you that Love & Dating gets a lot simpler when you understand the 7 Different Types of Soulmates?

So much magic (and freedom) comes when you can learn to identify which one they are, so you don’t fall into the fantasy trap or miss a relationship of real depth because they don’t tick your traditional boxes. 

But before we dive in….


Soulmates are souls that you’ve:

  • Shared previous lifetimes with - often in a romantic dynamic
  • Someone you know from between lifetimes (in the ethereal realms) and that you’ve made a soul contract with to meet in this lifetime (usually for growth or support) 

You can often feel the difference between these two, as the second feels much lighter and more in resonance with who you are right now, while the first feels far more complex, like even if you have just met, there is some stuff to work through - irresistible, but part of you wants to run for the hills.

But it’s even more nuanced than this - instead of a one-size fits all soulmate, there are 7 different types of soulmates that you can attract at any stage of your life.  While each brings the gift of a connection and the chance of evolution, if you are ready to get clear and effective on the type and quality of relationship you are in (or calling in), this distinction is so important. 

What’s more, you will attract a certain calibre and type of soulmate vs another depending on your subconscious belief patterns.  This is why, when it comes to up-leveling your love life, rewiring your programming is everything. 

So, without further ado… let’s meet:

  Soulmate No.1 The Twin Flame

  1. Rather than Hollywood romances, the concept of the Twin Flame originates with Plato, who wrote a mythical dialogue called Symposium and talked about humans having two faces, four arms and four legs.  The Greek Gods got nervous about being overpowered, so they cut the humans in two.  So when two souls who were originally one come together, they are the same soul coming back together, which explains why there are such strong feelings of Love and recognition. A lot of people talk about twin flames being a soul between lifetimes that then decided to go into the world as two. They are people who share such a similar energetic vibration to you, it feels almost the same.  

Sounds dreamy right? 

These relationships are often very difficult as you are so alike that you bring out not just the best, but also the intense mirror of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Despite romantic notions, the consensus is that twin flames often don’t work out…. unless both parties know how to work with and transform the triggers. This requires an active approach to conscious relating and shadow work, and a mutual realisation of exactly what you are working with.  Here are some familiar stages of the Twin Flame relationship.  

There are different stages of the relationship with a Twin Flame...

  1. Yearning for the One
  2. Glimpsing the One
  3. The Falling in Love Part (where it feels so much like home - but its a crash landing into love)
  4. The Fairy Tale Relationship (you get closer and closer until you start mirroring each other, and then all insecurities come up, bringing outer turmoil and inner purging).  If you can both stay in this and work through it, then the relationship can become very strong and powerful.  If not, this is where the relationship separates into…
  • A Runner and Chaser Dynamic.  One wants in, the other wants out - this power balance can swing back and forth. 
  • Surrender and Awakening - if they come together and surrender to it, it can evolve into something incredibly powerful, both for the couple and their purpose. 

Fascinating right?!  Want to learn about Soulmates 2-7, how to identify who you are attracting right now, and how to use this wisdom when it comes to manifestation?  

Join my online masterclass on Love, Manifestation & Soulmates, starting 4th of October.  Or sign up for my free Ebook launching October 14th. 

Love always, 




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